Public Service
Administration of Justice
Interested in criminal justice of any kind? This degree provides students a basic foundation in the three major areas of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts and prosecution, and corrections. Students may consider careers as police officers, corrections personnel, probation and parole officers, juvenile officers, wildlife enforcement officers, and other social services positions.
Early Childhood Education
Are you ready to help make a difference in the lives of children? The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program provides an academic and experiential foundation offering students occupational and transfer degree options, and a variety of certificates. Students will study child development in the context of the family and the community as well as best practices for teaching and learning.
Elementary Teacher Education
Are you a future educator and looking to help make a difference in students’ lives? The Liberal Studies Program is a pathway designed for prospective elementary teachers who intend to transfer to earn a baccalaureate degree and a multiple subject (K-8) credential. The required courses are part of a program of study that can be started at the community college level and completed at a four-year institution.
Law, Public Policy, and Society
This degree is for students interested in pursuing a degree and career in law and other areas related to legal studies. The courses in this degree allow you to explore different areas and disciplines and emphasize communication and critical thinking skills.
Political Science
Does politics or international relations fascinate you? This program offers foundational courses in the field that explores topics in international relations, American politics, globalization and development, race/class/gender, public policy, human rights, law, public opinion, bureaucracy, and foreign policy.
Social Justice
This degree focuses on understanding the struggles and experiences of marginalized groups in society. Students in this program use this knowledge to work toward a better world. It is designed for transfer into ethnic studies degrees, gender and sexuality studies, LGBTQ+/queer studies, or fields like sociology, history, political science, psychology, or English.
Social Work and Human Services
This degree is designed to meet the rapidly expanding need for health, public and human service/social worker professionals. Students build skills to work in various cultural contexts and with diverse populations in entry-level social-work positions or for transfer to four-year institutions of higher education.
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