Bookstore & Gift Shop
Online Gift Shop is ready to accept orders for t-shirts, long sleeves and sweatshirts.

The FRC Bookstore & Gift Shop is located in Room 501 near the flag pole in upper campus between the Administrative building, the Perch cafeteria and the green lawn. It also houses a full-service U.S.P.S. Post Office ("Station A") where students can rent P.O. Boxes. Besides textbooks, you can purchase online access codes, school supplies, snacks, ice cream, drinks, FRC clothing, gifts, and alumni merchandise!
FRC Bookstore & Gift Shop is open for the Spring 2025 Semester.
Store Hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Closed Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Spring 2025 Classes Begin on Tuesday, January 21st
Credit card payments (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express) can be processed over the phone 530-283-0202 ext 271. Books, school supplies, clothing and FRC Merchandise can be mailed via UPS, or prepared for pickup.
Online access codes (Cengage Unlimited, Health codes, Nursing codes, Pearson math codes, Expert TA, McGraw Hill Connect, Wiley, etc) can be paid over the phone and emailed directly to students.
Your digital textbooks, all in one place. Support your local bookstore, as 10% of all sales on the Vital Source website go to FRC Bookstore.
Once you purchase e-books at our Vital Source Website, then download them onto any device with the Bookshelf App.
You may save money if enrolled in more than one of these classes for Spring 2025:
- BUS 104 Managerial Accounting
- BUS 106 Principles of Economics/ Macro
- BUS 108 Principles of Economics/ Micro
- BUS 111 Introduction to IT
- BUS 115 Business Law
- BUS 116 Human Resource Management
- BUS 118 Personal Finance
- HES 100 Principles of Healthful Living w Jason Gay
- PSY102 Introductory Psychology w Kathleen King
Purchase a Cengage Unlimited subscription (4 Months Access to All Cengage eTextbooks) for a flat-fee of $162.49 at FRC Bookstore, or for $174.99 on the Vital Source website here.
Here are some of the programs available on campus to help with the costs of books, online access codes, and school supplies:
Download the Spring 2025 Booklist here in PDF Format!
Booklist is also available here in Excel Format.
Updated January 6th, 2025.
A full refund may be given on new or used spring books and online access codes if…
1. You present your cash register receipt.
2. You present your schedule showing the class has been dropped.
3. Spring books are returned by Thursday, February 13th, 2025.
4. Books are returned in same purchase condition.
Check purchases subject to 3 week waiting period.
Card purchases will be refunded to your account only.
The next Used Textbook Buyback in-person is May 19th to 23rd, 2025.
Please inquire about P.O. Boxes for Station A Campus Post Office at the FRC Bookstore where you can apply in person, or before you arrive you can complete the Application for Post Office Box Service Form and bring this form with you. When you apply, two valid forms of identification (one photo and one non-photo) are required when you obtain your keys. You must present the I.D.'s at the Post Office. Once we verify your information and receive your payment, we will provide your P.O. Box address and begin your service. Application for Post Office Box Service Form can be used for up to 4 roommates to share one P.O. Box. The Primary Applicant must be 18+ years old.
When you are ready to open a P.O. Box, please come to the FRC Bookstore/Station A Campus Post Office and bring the following items:
- Your completed Application, or you can fill one out when you are there.
- 2 forms of I.D. and one item must contain a photo and one must be traceable to the bearer (prove your phystical address). Both must be current. Acceptable forms of ID include:
Photo ID Options:
- Valid U.S. driver’s license or state non-driver’s identification card
- U.S. Armed forces, government, university, or recognized corporate employee identification card
- Passport, passport card, alien registration card, or certificate of naturalization
- NEXUS or Matricula Consular card
Non-Photo ID Options:
- Current lease, mortgage, or deed of trust
- Voter or vehicle registration card
- Home or vehicle insurance policy
- Note: Social Security cards, credit cards, and birth certificates are not acceptable forms of I.D.
- Payment to open a P.O. Box can be made by Cash or Check (made out to: USPS) ONLY. Startup costs are $46 for 6 months or $82 for 12 months P.O. Box rental.
Renewal payments are due the last day of the month your service period ends. If your payment is late, you will not be able to access the mail in your box. After 10 days of nonpayment, the USPS requires we remove the mail, treat it as undeliverable, and close your box. You may also incur a late payment fee. You may renew your P.O. Box online at usps.com/poboxes or at the FRC Bookstore Station A Campus Post Office. It is your responsibility to pay your renewal fee on time. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call the Bookstore at (530)283-0202 ext 271 and we will be happy to answer any further quesitons you may have.
Faculty and Associate Faculty: please visit this helpful website to submit your Textbook Adoption Form and for tips, deadlines and previous booklists.

Goldie says to stop on by this Spring and pick up your FRC gear and start the semester off soaring! Go Golden Eagles!
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